Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Kinda like din update my blog for so long~~~ actually i got nothing to post~~~ *hoho*

Everyday school school school and test test test, its so boring!! But at least the classmates of mine are all funny, crazy, clever one.... *hoho*

Found out that ppl nowadays cannot live without FACEBOOK~~~ Why when i joined FACEBOOK, no one is interested with it and said that its kinda unorganized and messy, which i dont think so, because of some reasons... *hoho* But now everyone is rushing to open FACEBOOK website once starting their laptop and computers in lab...Weird~~ *hoho*

Recently, get addicted to one new and old songs... keep on listening to them~~~~ *hoho*

I do feel i am in trouble sooner and later~~~ Dunno why.... argh, whatever liao lo...