Realized that human nature is really rather terrifying~~ Some ppl would just like to do anything in order to get praises, sympathy from others, they want to be popular among their friends.... Then they would create whatever affairs, 'made' non-existence incidents, things and even ppl, then started to conduct 'propaganda' around, IN FACT, it is not factual at all....
I WONDER WHY??? Why there are so much act of swindling and fraudulent conduct around? Why ppl just cannot be HONEST? Is honesty that 'HARD' to practice?
Dont u ppl know that when the truth is being EXPOSED and FERRET OUT, it would be rather disgraced and shameful!!!
I,PERSONALLY would considered that as an ABSURD act~~~
IF I am a GREAT INVENTOR, the first invention of mine would be..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... HMMMMMMMSSS, GUESS WHAT??!!
A device that can detects any misleading and phony LIES and FALSEHOOD. With this device, once ppl lied to u, it would sound extremely loud, saying " LIAR! LIAR! PANTS ON FIREEEEEE~~~!!!!!!!!" Then the pants would really on fire!!!!
活该!! 讲骗话~~ 把你的屁股烧成红碳,像只猴子一样~~~ NANENANEBUBU!!! nanenanebubu~~~ BLUEK =ppppppp
With this device, ppl around will know that it's all BULLSHIT of what u said!!! See who will dare to start fooling and cheating around like no tomorrow..... *eveil-laugh* hiahiahiahiak~~~
Wooooooiiiii!!! DAPHNE!! Wake up to reality lah, if u could invent such a MIRACULOUS & MYSTICAL device, u would be the price winner of "THE FIRST UNBELIEVABLE INVENTION AWARD" loooooo~~~~ LOL.....
Nooooooooooooo, i think i should be getting the "MOST PUERILITY AWARD" now for having such a foolish and awkward 'imaginative faculty'.........
I WONDER WHY ppl want to cheat and lie to each others, is that FUN??
I WONDER WHY ppl just cannot be candid, frank and honest for their feelings and thoughts??
I WONDER WHY ppl are afraid of being saying the truth out?? Is it that embarrassing for saying the authentic truth??
I WONDER WHY human nature is so contemptible, shameful and disgraceful??
I REALLY WONDER WHYYYYYY???????????? Can someone answer me??????? I AM BLUR @___@
ANYWAY, whatever it is, it's just a WONDER WHY post of mine~~~~~~
BUT feedbacks are welcome~~~