Wednesday, June 17, 2009


1. Arithmetic or Miserliness?
Teacher: If you had one ringgit and you asked your father for three more, how many ringgit would you have?
Student: One ringgit.
Teacher: You dont know your arithmetic!!
Student: You dont know my father!

2. Action or Name?
Teacher: Are you chewing gum?
Jimmy: Nooo, I'm Jimmy Aaron...

3. Promises
Teacher: Didn't you promise to behave?
Student: Yes, Sir.
Teacher: And didn't i promise to punish you if you didn't?
Student: Yes, Sir. But since I broke my promise, I dont expect you to keep yours too..

4. Climbing Up a Beam of Light
Tom and Joe are the first to arrive in the classroom one morning. They decide to play a game. First, they switch off the lights. Tom takes out a torchlight and shines it up to the ceiling fan.
He tells Joe, "You see this light going straight up to the ceiling fan? Why dont you climb up by holding on this beam of light and hang on while I switch on the fan?"
Joe shakes his head.
"Why wont you climb up?" asked Tom.
Joe replies: " I know what you're going to do. When i am halfway up to the ceiling, you're going to switch off the torchlight and I'll come crashing down."

5. Zoo
A police officer saw a lady with a penguin and told her to take the animal to the zoo. The next day he saw the same lady with the same penguin.
"I thought I told you to take him to the zoo." he said sternly.
"I did," she replied. " He loved it and today we are going to the musuem!"

Please laugh lah, dude~~ These are jokes le~ LAUGH for the sake u really need to LAUGH~~ MUAHAHAHAHA..... ^^

*~Remember to keep smiling!! Say CHEESSEEEEE!!! HUHU~~~*

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