Saturday, January 1, 2011


As the clock ticks away the last few hours of the year, you wonder what the New Year has in store. Perhaps this year will change your destiny. Or perhaps, you will be meandering through the path of life, seeking answers to your deepest issues. Whatever be your future, you must welcome the New Year with an open heart. Make the best of today, so that your tomorrow can be better.....

BUT before that, allow me to recall what have i done during the year of 2010~~ There we go *follow closely ya*...


I celebrated the Chinese New Year in the hometown of my dad... I was able to meet all my cousins, playing & chatting around with them, it's quite fun too in the sense that some of the babies were just too cute and funny to play with!!! I would described them as amusing actors & actresses!! lolx....
The third day of new year, we also celebrated my grandpa birthday in a restaurant together with a 3 layer height cake!! Happy Birthday,Grandpa~~~!!

Actually year 2010 was such a busy, hectic study year for me...
Basically, the first half year i would still considered them as easy going period because i was having a normal study life and still pursuing my CAT (Certified Accounting Technician) with all my lovely, cool, friendly & chatter-box course mates... With them as companions in class, the dull subjects can never be dull as all their jokes were surely a form of relaxation for me... Teechee =D
Friends, u guys ROCKS!!! hehehe =p

However, all of us know that 天下没不散之筵席, every gathering will sure have to come to an end... Because of the results, different friends having different grades, the passing rates will always be the determinant of the next step we gonna walk... The sad thing was most of the friends still remained in CAT, but only some managed to proceed to a so much so higher level, that's ACCA.. That's definitely pitiful since we needa separate after we knew each others for 1 year and spent time together, now need to continue our own route.. A farewell dinner was held in HAPPY VALLEY with all of them, a memorable night!!

As for me, with the guardian of my Lord Jesus, i was able to obtain this CAT 'title' just within one year of studying time frame, it was surely a relieve moment of mine!! Thanks GOD~~

I guessed this would be the most SPECIAL events in year 2010 for me, graduation of mine, though i not yet qualified to wear mortar board as this only will be the rights of those graduand of ACCA, but not CAT.... T__T

But, i was still happy with it... The graduation ceremony was held in HILTON KUCHING... That morning, everyone wore smartly with their attires been put on!! Parents will start giving flowers, bears to the graduand, my mom attended the ceremony with me... hahahaha...
and suddenly i heard of 'Canon in D' which made me even High!! Cause this song will really touches my heart and having the sinking feeling into the music... This is the only song that can really makes my day!!! AWESOME melody *thumbs up* =)))

The second half year, year of the first semester of ACCA, it was really so heavy for me!! I hate the Business & Corporate Law because substantial memory power was needed and because there was no potentially good lecturers in Kuching, the lecturer of KL will flew in and taught us once a month, thus weekends will be "swallowed" by this subject with at least 8 hours of lecture in order to catch up with the syllabus...
Indeed she was a great lecturer, but no matter how great was she, the subject was just too dry, some of my friends even fall asleep in the class, some even escaped halfway through, & some even pro, just didn't attend the class!! But it's over now, hopefully i managed to pass this paper so that i would not have to repeat it again, it's such a torment, TORTURING!!
*Because of this subject, that's the reason i kept bringing my books around even there was outings especially when there will be progress tests given by the lecturers... =.="

And last September, my bro went to United Kingdom to further his studies too, hope he will coping well there!! Sometimes, Skype with him, he even LIVE TELECAST for me of the fallen of snow, how sweat was that... =='

My little sista also finished her SPM, will be going to NS on the 3rd of January 2010, hope she finds FUN & Frenz there, GOOD LUCK!!

My elder sista seems will be having her "GOOD NEWS" since she is not young liao, it's time!! Hahahaha =p

There, 2010 comes to an end!! BYE!! Let's anticipate 2011 will be a better year and it MUST be!

“May you have a delightful New Year full of fun and charm. Here’s wishing, all the love, joys and good things in life dawn on you with this new start!!!”

2011 is at the door...

Life is short,
break the rules,
Forgive Quickly,
Love Truly,
Laugh Uncontrollably,
Never regret anything that made you Smile =)

~~ HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 ~~

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